(Dis)Placed in Sunset Park Interactive Map

Click on the a red circle icon to watch these placekeeping stories of people who live and work in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.

The project exists as a platform for everyday people who are directly impacted by immigration and gentrification in the neighborhood by providing an outlet to express what Sunset Park means to them and what their hopes are for the future of the community. My hope is that these stories will reach the broader community and general public.

This project features a wide range of stories and perspectives from tenants, renters, homeowners, workers, small business owners, teachers, youth and community leaders and activists. Stories will feature people from Mexico, China, Ecuador, Puerto Rico as well as other parts of the Caribbean and Central America.

You can also experience the stories by taking a virtual tour, using a augmented reality technology (AR) app to unlock them. The virtual tour features video stories, images, text and audio about the neighborhood, CLICK HERE